Sunday, October 30, 2011

Effects of Failure

Shouldn't let failure become a habit. Depression is gonna follow behind.
Strive hard for every ''exams'' in our life. We should apply full power for every try.
What is Failure to you? disappointment? depression? traumatized?
There would be some circumstances that you actually know failure is gonna come to you and you let it happen still. Whats the exact reason behind which make it happen since you know earlier?
It was a big big question mark that I found out and havent got the answer still.
It is pathetic to know that your standard is uncertain and is waiting to be affirmed.
Try and look around you. You'll see heaps of friends were actually in this situation.
Uncertain situation i mean.
How to cope with these shit? Cope with fatigue, desperate, retard, or weary and so on...
Another word...PERSISTENCE!

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